Freezer lifting door

From storage after production right through to the consumer, the refrigeration chain for fresh food, vegetables, fruit or deep-frozen food must not be interrupted.
Storage in specially temperature-controlled warehouses requires high energy expenditure. HaWe Speed high-speed doors reduce the operating costs for the operator.
Optimum insulation from adjacent rooms is achieved by means of the material combination of a metal cover and a hard polyurethane core.
Our freezer doors are suitable for use at temperatures down to -36° C.
Lifting doors are particularly suitable for frequently-used openings in a freezer area. These doors are distinguished by their very fast movement and long service life. Where possible, the use of consumable parts is avoided.
Door enquiries
Enquire about freezer lifting door
On-site visit
We will be happy to advise you directly on site to help you find the perfect door.
Further information
Would you prefer another door? Our product range also includes sectional doors, roller doors, high-speed doors, strip curtains and swinging doors.
Do you need advice? Contact our sales team.